288Mbit RDRAM chip
Samsung has successfully completed development of a 288Mbit DRAM chip for RamBus RAM.
The chips are based on a 0.17 micron technology and a RIMM can hold up to 16 of those chips.
If those things go into mass production, Pentium owners with RDRAM motherboards will no longer be limited to 2x128MB, but can now get 2x576Mb.
Of course those RIMMs will carry a beast of a pricetag.
DV vs PC round 2
FiringSquad now also reviews the software aspect of the debate: "Which is better: PC or Console"
See for yourself: firingsquad.com
MWSF starts
Yep, it started today, although it is only the WarmUp yet.
However, maybe someone drops a few words too much about a certain topic...
Apple Hotnews
MacObserver coverage
Mac3D.com online: new look!
Yes, they are back online, and their new look looks great.
Check it out.
MOSR has a few expectations listed for Macworld SF.
Among them are new technologies, like AGP4x, DDR SDRAM, PC-133 RAM, 133MHz System busses, UMA2 things.
They also expect a revisioned iBook and Pismo to be shown. And maybe a "Mystic" behind the scenes...
Read for yourself.