iTools security hole

the register has an article that discusses a recently discovered major security whole i the iTools browser plug-in. While the features of iTools are undoubtedly cool, this issue of course also is undoubtedly critical. Password transfers in plain text...Ummm

Gates talk future business

the register has a rather frightening article about some statement Bill Gates made when they discussed future software strategies. More downloading, bigger files, more options, more cost...Ugh

Microsoft breakup

the register The DoJ obviously wants MS to break the company up in several little part-companies. The three separate companies will be supporting and developing the OSes (Win 2000), Applications and Web software. That means Mac users might be able to support the Apps and Web companies, by using and buying their products, and letting Windows be Windows. Most surprisingly Microsoft isn't even that dissapointed about the decision...

ATI in good health

the register for all those of you who were hoping ATI would go bankrupt and 3Dfx would do the OEM stuff, I have bad news. For all owners of ATI stock, I have good news: ATI has made good profits and demand for their chips is still continuing to grow.

Macworld 3Dfx report part 2

FiringSquad has, as announced, posted their article discussing Voodoo4/5 future on the Mac htis time. What does it take to adapt the Voodoo4/5 to the Mac etc...
I suggest you read that. It's great news!

ATI and Mac OS X

MacCentral has an article talking with ATI about their OpenGL support in Mac OS X. They also address Quake 3, which crashed at the keynote. What is coming next from ATI? Can they keep up with the announcements of 3dfx?

AppleInsider covers Mac OS X

AppleInsider has put up a complete guide to Mac OS X and Aqua. Go there and read if you have questions. Finally someone did it.

Apple sues "skins"

Slashdot notes that Apple has sued 2 companies/websites offering very "aqua-like" skins for Windows. Maybe you have already heard some people be very excited about that on GR, otherwise you may read here.

Weekly CPU's at SE

SharkyExtreme has once again updated their weekly CPU prices table.

Marathon Maps

I have dug in my folder today, looking for all the old Marathon stuff I did. There was some conversation on Gr and I was simply flooded by nostalgic feelings. I put it all together, stuffed it and uploaded it here. There are Physics Models for Marathon 1, Maps for Marathon 2 and Maps for Marathon Infinity. Download the file here (4467k) Bensch's Marathon Files