Moire details

xlr8yourmac has more details on Mac OS X DP3, Boomslang, Number9 RevolutionIV and more, read on if you read yesterday's posts.

Faster RAM for graphics cards

the register notes that Hyundai and Samsung have both announced faster RAM chips to fit the ever growing speed graphic chips. The two companies don't aim at the exact same target, but the result will be mostly equal: Fast, fast chips for fast, fast cards and thus fast, fast games. And that is neat, isn't it? And it is even coming this year already.

AMD, Intel, belch...

the register has a lot of news concerning the MHz war between AMD and Intel, which seems to be fought in the prices now. There is so much of that stuff, that I decided not to cover it today. Head over yourself if you really want to know.

VSA-100 at MW Tokyo?

Mac3Dfx notes that posts at the 3dfx gamers forum may indicate a demoing of VSA-100 cards on upcoming Macworld Tokyo. THose cards are most certainly going to be the Mac enhanced versions and might even be the starting point for the first shipments on the PC side (??). What we know for sure, is that 3dfx plans to show off something at MW Tokyo, so we can start drooling already.

Newer postpones

iMac2Day reports that Newer has postponed the official announcement of those 466MHz iMac upgardes by 10 days "to ensure some more commitments from creditors". If you ask me, that means: Either they're filing bankrupt in 11 days, or (and better) they hope to get a turnaround by shipping this new line of upgrade cards. If they ship those things, you HAVE to buy one then:)
MacCentral also has a whole article on this "postponement" and tries to analyze it with a little more business knowledge than I. But still, if those deals with creditors fail, dark hours will arise for Newer.

MW Tokyo coverage

MacCentral will have a coverage of any announcements amde at MW Tokyo, which starts tomorrow Wednesday 16th. Since there will be NO Quicktime Webfeed (maybe because Japan only has ISDN?:), you'll have to stick to website articles.

Bitboys Interview

SharkyExtreme has another interview with Bitboys Oy, the company who claims to have the fastest graphics card in its slevesm the (in)famous Glaze3D. I want to see a card now, no stupid interviews!