RAM prices rising again
notes that RAM prices are indeed rising again. After a 20$ high the prices have been falling for six months now, now there seems to be a turning point. 8x8Mbit chip prices have increased by about 20% in a matter of days, however it is unlikely to go as high s 20$ again.
They also have some performance tips for Mac OS 9.
1Ghz in March
notes that, according to HP, Intel will be delivering small quantities of 1GHz Pentium 3 chips later this month, of course HP will also deliver systems with those chips inside.
Did I ever say the race was over? Or do you still think Apple/IBM/Motorola might be the first to ship 1GHz in masses?
the register has a little more to read on that.
NVidia secrets
the register
unveils some secrets about NVidias future chipsets. Successor to the GeForce will be the NV11, but the register already talks about NV15 and NV20.
And they're packed with features!
Trojans identified
reports that the Trojans a Czech User Group had discovered a few days ago have been identified by Symantec. They seem to be mostly harmless, but still not very funny.