RAM prices rising again

xlr8yourmac has various reader reports on things ranging from CPU upgrades over OS X to software issues. Always a good idea to read those, you might share a problem with someone.

Big releases

Shugashack notes that AMD will release 900, 950 and 1GHz Athlons on Monday, leaving Intel more or less in the dust again.
The other great news are that PSX2 (Playstation 2) has now been released in Japan. According to NBC, Dolphin is also due later this year, but you know how reliable TV is...

More card support coming?

MGL notes that another freelance programmer has started work on OpenGL drivers for graphics cards such as Voodoo3+, TNT2 and G400. I wonder if we're gonna see a real product this time or whether it is hot air again. Btw, ELSA has released the first GeForce PCI card on the PC side recently...

IBM's new tech

MOSR is quite euphoric about the new electron beam technology currently developed by IBM. I don't think we'll see that much of a change, but maybe I'm just too pessimistic this time. Copper was also expected to deliver a 30% performance increase and in fact there was none, and SOI which has been announce aeons ago is still only available on Power3+ chips.

New digicam tech

MacWEEK notes that we might soon see sub 100$ Digital Cameras with resolutions in the megapixel range. 2 megapixel models following later. The reason is seen in competition and finer and cheaper image sensors. The future is bright!