Pismo review

xlr8yourmac has put up their extensive review of the Pismo PowerBook G3 (FireWire) 500. It gets a whopping 5 Macs and Mike seems to be very pleased:) Read on if you plan to take a closer look at one of these...


Shugashack actually doesn't have any tech related news today, but they have put up new.GIF banner, which is really embarrassing. The gif is untimed, meaning that it will go as fast as your CPU can (destroying any anymation) and it says "Undeground Revolution". Note that this is not my typo. Congrats, uGo, on that one.

AMD and Motorola?

AMDzone notes that AMD and Motorola are indeed working together. AMD seems to have helped Mot with te G4e (on die cache etc), but now AMD fans hope for some cool features in their upcoming Thunderbird chip, features that so far only the good old strong PPC has had maybe? (As you can read in the news from 22. (on AMDzone, just scroll down))


FiringSquad has posted 2 new interesting stories: 1. They take a deeper look at how Monitors work, what is good and what is bad and what you should look out for.
2. They made a visit to 3Dfx and had some more tech and demos explained to them.

Cool new card

MacCentral notes that OPrange Micro has announced a very cool new PCI card aimed at G3/G4 owners. The card sports 2 serial ports and a FastSCSI port and therefore combines the two most common interfaces before USB and FireWire hit the market. At a price of 99$, these things have to show up in the AppleStore as soon as they are out!


MOSR notes that the Dolphin game console from Nintendo might, due to its architecture, easily support a reduced version of some Mac OS X like core OS (Darwin for example) and therefore could allow for easy porting of Mac games to the Dolphin platform. I guess the G4 (Gekko) chipa nd the ATI card inside dolphin make cross platform with Mac OS X about as probable as the 600MHz Pentium and nVidia chip make the X-BOx for windows compatibility. We'll see.
The other bit notes that IBM expects upgrade vendors to ship the first G3 600MHz upgrades in about 6 weeks. That means two things: You can get 600MHz in six weeks and you can get 500MHz in 7 weeks for half the bucks:)

Linux Superclusters

ZDnet notes that IBM is about to deliver the first sets of Linux-powered superclusters. THe clusters are compsed of 256 Netfinity servers running Linux and being linked over high-speed networking. The cost for these clusters is relatively low, while performance can absolutely compete with very expensive supercomputers. (a cluster does about 375 gigaflops, hehehe) I'll get one of these for Halo ;)