64bit color?

Shugashack notes that John Carmack of ID software has again amde a few statements toward hardware developers. His latest fart is that he thinks we need 64bit color. I always thought we could only tell 700'000 colors apart anyway, well maybe Carmack is not as limited as we are, no? There sure would be an increase in colors and I also think that it might be good for some effects etc, but on the other hand, I'm also pretty sure that most screens today are not good enough to make a difference between 8 bits of color precision and 16 bits. The main point behind this must be the increase on alpha channel precision from 8 o 16 bits, that is where all the effects are done. So actually 40bit with a new pixel format might do as well. Maybe I'm just too ignorant though.

AMD is prospering

the register has a few interesting news on AMD and its financial and economic situation. Apparently they're doing very well and trying to do even better in the years to come. Some word on an Athlon with 1MB of on-die cache, better power managment (that was due) and a "few other surprises" should ship by the end of the year. 1MB of on die cache might be bad for several things though: cost, size and power consumption (heat etc), but at least they have the most brawn.

HD innovation

the register notes that Fujitsu has figured out a new way to make harddrives more reliable and/or gives them more capacity. a new single platter 78GB drive has resulted out of this apparently. Might see a lot of cool stuff soon.


MOSR notes that QNX, another operating system currently under development, might make it to the PPC platform, namely the iMac. Might be good for PPC market share, no?