
xlr8yourmac has again various notes on various topics, the last being a guy overclocking his iMac with a new CPU, soldering it himself. That's hardcore tinkering again!


Shugashack notes that the US army is planning to build a holodeck for training. The technology isn't ready for such a thing yet, but the plans are already there. Star Trek greets you.

New cuddly Virus

TechWeb notes that a new virus has been wreaking havoc in the PC world in the last few hours. The virus is distibuted by e-mail with a subject stating "ILOVEYOU" apparently. I don't know if Macs are affected too, but unless it turn out to be a hoax anyway, don't open mails with that name maybe.
Update: MacNN notes that the virus does not affect Macs, but may kill mail servers and thus also affect Mac users indirectly.

A peek at native Firewire

MacCentral has a good and easy to understand article on what Firewire really is and what it might become in a matter of a few months. A good read for everybody and a must for owners of FireWire equiped Macs.