MP G4?

xlr8yourmac has gotten word from a reader that Apple has an MP G4 module in their spare parts list. However, the thing might also just be a fake. Other notes are concerning the latest Quake 3 patch fixing problems with the first release of the 117 patch and a few other items.

How much did you say?

the register notes that Intel is propagating their GHz chips because the claim that IT buyers need 1GHz to 2Ghz machines in order to run Windows 2000. The requirement for Win2K may be higher than they should, but hell no, you don't need a 2GHz chip to run it. And after all those chips also do cost a lot more. the register and I agree that Intel may be wrong there.

More MP G4 rumors

the register picks up the long circulating rumor about MP G4 machines already being presented a upcoming WWDC. Like they say, a release of those monsters is unlikely as long as Mac OS X isn't out. I agree there again.

Mac OS X news

MOSR has news on a smart-copy function that might be featured in the beta release of Mac OS X.

How to build a PC

Sharkyextreme has a guide to building a PC from scratch, something hardcore agmers have been doind for a long time in the PC world. Now you can learn how. (I must say I don't know what has to be learned there, isn't obvious what piece fits where?)