More feedback
has the first reader reports for the new IBM 75GXP drives and some more positive feedback on the Apple/ATi Multimedia Update.
And last but not least they're still accepting votes for the 3dfx BTO petition over there, so head out and register up for every Mac gamer you know:)
Not looing that bad?
the register
has a very positive analysis on the delay of Mac OS X, they think after all it won't hurt, so it can only be better.
Just read their own words, it will at least make you feel better.
Apple PDA: yes or no?
the register
weaves some new rumors on the existance of an Apple PDA. Phil Schiller denied any such product was being developed by Apple and Palm, but the register thinks that is only camouflage.
WWDC galore
now has their special report on WWDC, talking a little about everything, but probably nothing you didn't know already.
MP machines confirmed?
read between the lines that Apple is indeed going to ship multi-processor machines soon. This doesn't come as a surprise, but it is still interesting to have some serious mag confirm a "rumor". Thanx to Ryan at MGL for the hint.
MOSR of course also picks up teh topic.