A lot
has been noting a lot during the time I was away, a lot of CPU and drive feedbacks, Apple hiring for a very cool job (games department marketing guy) and many, many other things.
I'm sorry but you'll have to dig the archives yourself if you missed it too, it's just too much in there.
Thunderbird launch
notes that AMD has today launched its revamped Athlon derivate chip known by the codename "Thunderbird", the chip is fast, but not as fast as the P3 CuMine still, at least according to those Q3 benches.
3dhardware links to more.
Another bit mentions that id software has announced its next generation Doom sequel "which should once again change the First Person genre dramatically". Looking forward to that really.
Motorola and Sega
the register
notes that Motorola is teaming up with Sega to bring some of their game (console) technology to their mobile phones.
What some may see as a cool upcoming feature, is blank horror in my eyes: Yet more yuppies hanging around fiddling with their 100% obsolete mobile phone...:p
New APIs for us
noted that RAD is bringing 3 new APIs to the Mac, which might be a boost for developers of upcoming games, to bring their games to the Mac too.
RAD has been famous for their Smacker video technology, which is being used in Starcraft for example.
The Pro cards
also talked to some guys about what the difference between professional and "customer" 3D graphics cards is.
They talk about this and that and in the end it turns out what we already knew.
The future of CPUs
links to an article from the MIT, discussing the possible future of CPUs. There's a LOT going on, really.
has news on a possible Intel version of Mac OS X and a lot of interesting stuff on UMA 2 (Unified Motherboard Architecture, actually)