
xlr8yourmac.com again has various notes, mainly on drive related stuff today.

O Intel!

the register notes that Intel has dropped it's plan on fixing the SDRAM version of their 820 chipset (Caminogate), which leaves users to only two options: P3 and RDRAM 820 board or a non-Intel product/older board. AMD remains an option too of course. The next generation chipset "Timna", who is going to support SDRAM again, has just been delayed too. Damn these guys got nerves!

Transmeta notebook

the register notes that IBM will be showing the first notebook using the new low-power Transmeta Crusoe CPU at this month's PC Expo. Bravo, that was quick!

How many slots does it take to make a Mac?

MacWEEK writes up on the ever interesting topic how many PCI slots a Mac really needs. While Stevie thinks 3 slots do just fine, there are still many people out there whould need more, and with upcoming sound and graphics-board from third parties, this demand might yet grow. But there are options: external PCI cases. Just too bad they cost more than a second Mac.

News PPCs

MacCentral has finally gotten the news that IBM has announced new PPC chips, and sums up what they offer. (that bit is not "news" really, but you might have missed it too).