Days in review
has a report on a G4 that has been tweaked to run with a 133MHz system bus and gained a lot of speed (memory bandwidth at least), of problems flashing Voodoo3 cards (the problem has been tracked down to different types of EEPROM memory) and has some pics of a Mac Voodoo5 card.
On Wednesday they announced that nVidia was not going to be present at MWNY with a booth, but planned to show something "spectacular" together with Apple. Guess it'll be a prototype of their first Mac graphics card. Other notes a mostly related to drive performance and compatibility.
3dfx in trouble
the register
notes that 3dfx isn't going to meet their revenue expectations again, partly due to the fact that their Voodoo4/5 cards are still delayed, after a bug was discovered that caused some trouble on some systems.
As of now, both Mac and PC versions are still unavailable.
DRAM prices rising again
the register
notes that Korea expects DRAM prices to rise considerably again by the second half of the year. Prices of 9-10$ are expected for a 64Mb (8MB) chip.
Stuffit for the RAM
notes that IBM is today showing off a new concept for memory bandwidth improvement. Their idea is achieveing twice the performance by having an additional chip compress the data in a way so it only takes up half the space in the RAM. The idea is great, the only question that remains is how fast that chip can translate the data.
New Celerons
notes that Intel has released their newest gang of Celeron chips, clocking at 633-667-700 MHz. They are the fastest chips so far that are aimed at sub 1000$ complete systems.
Considering even the Celerys beat the crap out of a G4 now (at least in terms of MHz), I'm starting to feel depressed:)
Sonnet announcements
notes that Sonnet has released a new 500MHz/1MB G4 ZIF upgrade card (that's still plenty fast) and has also confirmed that all their products will be Mac OS X compatible, which is a relievingly good thing to know. (Although I don't have one)
points out that the lawsuits and patent claims Rambus is throwing in all directions might hit the future of UMA2 based Macs using DDR-SDRAM.
Rambus (the company) has claimed patent rights on some technologies used in DDR-SDRAM and now demands much higher royalities from other companies than before. It is believed that they are trying to force the DDR-SDRAM market on the same price level as the ridiculously high priced RDRAM market (some 799$ for 128MB or so). Another company with Microsoft tactics.
For Apple that means that Hitachi can't sell their RAM much cheaper than RDRAM, which will increase the price of DDR-SDRAM equipped Macs significantly, and that frankly sucks.
Other notes confirm more or less that Apple's new keyboard and mouse are going to be shown at MWNY.
New iMacs
has the latest rumors on the new iMacs expected to debut at MWNY. Quite interesting what they expect, I wonder if we will really see a G4 400 machine.