Xbox and Microsoft news

Shugashack links to a long interview with Michael Abrash, former id programmer (nobody has heard about anymore, since he's been working for Microsoft now) talking about the Xbox and how fast it will be, how huge the memory bandwidth will be etc etc babble babble... In a later post, they found some vision of Microsoft, one which is hopefully utopic.

Print screen redefined

TechWeb has news on a new technology that is currently being worked on, that allows you to print your screen with some kind of ink-jet. The new technology uses light-emitting polymers (LEPs) to display colors. They can be charged with little power to take on any color, they are cheap, bright and sturdy. The first screens based on this technology are expected to be 60% cheaper than common LCD displays. Imagine all the possibilities that opens.

Apple's future

MacObserver's Wes George analyzes the situation Apple is currently in, and what they might do to go into a bright future.