nVidia: miscommunications

Shugashack has nVidia's response to the recent hassle caused by an open letter posted at www.riva3d.com. nVidia had been said to strong-arm websites for covering or not covering stuff etc. nVidia now says it's all been miscommunications and nVidia doesnt strong-arm anyone etc. Looks to me like a few peeps on several sides dipped some shit.

Chip heat

the register notes that some tests have shown comparisons between Intel P3 mobile chips and the Transmeta Crusoe. The Crusoe is claimed to be very power friendly, namely not consuming much of it, while Intel has always been famous for the opposite. The P3 chips got 122 degree's Celsius hot and died (no heat sink), while they Crusoe remained "cool" at a whopping 64¡C. Dudes, my G3 has 27¡ (ok, with a small heatsink, but it's overclocked). The same article also tells us that the original Pentium pro had the same heat output as an electric hotplate! Wow. Built in a 10nm process, the same core would get as hot as the core of a nuclear reactor. Weee!

Best of show awards

MacWEEK has posted their MWNY Best of Show Awards.

More MWNY news

MacCentral covers some more new stuff as the last day of MWNY passes.
MacWEEK offers an even better link.

New Cyrix chip soon

the register notes that VIA is going to ship their revised "Samuel 2" chip sometime later this year, with speeds hitting 1GHz. Impressive about the chip: It has 128K of L1 cache and only 64K of L2 cache. How fast it will really be...we'll see.


AppleInsider has a few pictures of MWNY for all those who couldn't make it:)