Intel has doubts with RAMBUS
the register and Yahoo
note that Intel has publicly confirmed that they are working on a PC133 supporting chipset for their next generation Pentium 4 CPU. Intel wants to be able to offer mainstream priced machines, which is obviously not possible with RAMBUS equipped machines.
Now as even Intel turns away from RAMBUS, even the last RDRAM advocate should notice that the technology failed. At least for the next year.
Idiot's MWNY
idiots wrap-up the events of MWNY in their own way, mentioning a few things nobody else mentioned so far.
Check it out.
G4 notebook?
have some rumors on an upcoming G4 Powerbook. This rumor has been around for a long time, and most certainly if we wait long enough it will turn out to be real.
also has rumors of a new PowerBook (as the sixth product in Apple's enhanced line) and yesterday late, they noted that the G4e chip was a bit delayed (OMG again!) and might ship at Xmas 2000, but not as fast as initially expected (600MHz or so). In Spring 2001 the first 750-1GHz chips are expected (not by me and many others though).
There are some other rumors yet, just make sure to read the Recent Updates as well.
DDR chipsets coming
while still being the slowest *&/(*% site in the web has some interesting news from Acer labs. These guys have produced the first DDR compliant chipsets for the Athlon CPU. Production is slated for Q4 of 2000, with chipsets supporting PC1600, PC2100 and regular PC133 SDRAM.
Thus I expect Apple to ship UMA-2 based Macs in Q1 2001, with DDR support (most certainly PC1600).