RADEON, V5 and others

xlr8yourmac.com has some interesting news on the RADEON cards for Mac. Looks like there will be both PCI and AGP versions, with card size of only 7", which also seems to enable G4 Cube Users to upgrade their system with one of these. That is good news. Then there are some reports that Voodoo5 drivers work with Voodoo3 cards as well, at least when using the beta12 ROM. Other notes concern G4MP performance, IDE PCI cards and other interesting stuff.

Quantum Computer and others

Shugashack notes that IBM has successfully developed the first quantum computer, utilizing five atoms as a processor. This certainly is a quantum leap in technology and is clearly a technology of the future, and also remains that for another few years too:)
An other note mentioned a vibrating mouse. The mouse has 2 buttons an a wheel and uses the USB ports of any USB equipped Mac, Windows or Linux PC. The special thing about it is that you can plug it into the soundjack and it will generate vibration depending on what sounds are actually spit out. Might be dumb, might be cool, I'd have to see it myself.

New board member

the register notes that Apple has accepted a new board member recently. The guy is called Arthur D. Levinson and is the CEO of "Genentech", one of the biggest biotech companies in the world. After playing Deus Ex, this doesn't exactly feel good, but I guess he's a good guy and is also good for a science market push.

Hear, hear!

Slashdot notes that Microsoft is going to port their software titles to LINUX. (gasp) Yes, they seem to feel this is a market too now, so they see some money luring in the corner, ergo they port their most important titles:)


MOSR has some news, or rather rumors on the next revision of the PowerBook line due at Seybold in September.