
xlr8yourmac has several bits on various topics like a reader report on the G4 Cube 500, performance tips on Diablo 2 and other reader reports as well as a bunch of new database entries.

ECTS stuff

Shugashack was kind enough to collect a few coverages on ECTS (European Consumer Electronics Show or similar) the european pendant to E3 in the states. TV reported Black&White was one of the public faves, as well as Metal Gear Solid 2 (which looked cool).

MOT spending money

the register notes that Motorola is going to spend 29.2mio dollars for a software development centre in Scotland, which is going to deal with silicon design apps for Cellphones (of all things). Mot has always been famous for spending a bit too much money in R&D, which seems to pay back once it comes to production. The PPC is a splendid example for that.