
xlr8yourmac.com has various tips, news and bargains. But nothing spectacular either.

iMac cluster

the register has news on a racked cluster of iMacs, built by Marathon Coputers and running Yellow Dog Linux (if I got that right). Obviously fairly cheap and small systems with quite a lot of horsepower. Starting at 17'900$ you can have one, thats about as much as the toppest notch G4 you can assemble in the Apple store.

Serial ATA coming

MacWEEK has an interesting scoop on the future standard "Serial ATA", which is going to take over the role of parallel ATA in the nearer future. The new serial interface will start delivering speeds of up to 150MB sec, with later versions doing as much as 600MB sec. Needless to say that is so much today's hardrives can not even nearly keep up with that speed. But maybe harddrives will get faster too, once they can be operated natively serial.

Bigger harddrives ahead

Semiconductor Online notes that researchers at NEC have found new materials with even higher magnetoresistance than the ones used today. More of that "M" means more information per inch, means bigger harddrives with even less platters, for even less money. For you and me that means "it's good".

Radeon on Wednesday?

MOSR notes that Apple may be planning to add Rage4XL (and Radeon?) cards to their offerings at Apple Expo Paris. Nothing confirmed yet, of course, but it would make sense if you ask me.

PC reviews

FS has posted two new articles, one comparing the motherboards and chip of several manufacturers, and the other comparing the latest graphics cards with some older ones etc etc. These FPS showdowns tend to get a bit repetitive.