16x/10x CD-RW

xlr8yourmac has gotten word that Yamaha is working on a new CD-RW drive with 16x CD-R, 10x CD-RW and 40x CD read speed. Using a new laser technology, Yamaha sets a new record in CD-Recorder speed. The drive should come out soon in all the flavors you want, namely IDE, SCSI and FireWire (bridged).

FS on RAM performance

FiringSquad has an interesting article on RAM performance, namely what the differences between all the types od RAM are. Not only SDRAM vs. RDRAM, not it also looks at the different speed codes etc, so you might want to check it out too.

Rage 128 Pro vs Radeon

xlr8yourmac.com has now posted the indepth comparison of the Rage 128 Pro vs the RADEON card from ATI. It is quite clear that the Radeon is a major step ahead. Check it out.