Many PC news

the register has a lot of news on the P4 and its production and release as well as a few news from AMD.

Financial results

MacWEEK notes that Apple is going to announce its much debated financial results. Let's hope it turns out to be ok after all.

Video editing Mac

MacCentral notes that Apple has now started bundling its PowerMac G4 with the Pinnacle CineWave video editing solution. The bundle is certainly not cheap, but as far as it seems this is going to be a really sweet for video editing.

Transmeta notebook

TomsHardware notes that NEC has shown its first notebook based on Transmeta's Crusoe chip, running at 600MHz. However, the chip seems to perform fairly slow. It's only strenghts really are the low price and the low power consumption.

POWER4 news

RealWorldTech has a great article explaining what the newest chip from IBM , the Power4, is going to offer. It is believed that IBM is going to lead the high-end chip market for quite a while with this new chip. It would be interesting to know if a single CPU module, containing 2 cores, could be used in a Mac too, without the other 3 units...

UMA-2 news

MOSR has a great article on what the changes from UMA-1 to UMA-2 will be. If you ask me, the chipset for the next Macs is going to rule, let's just hope the chips (CPUs) will, too...