Solving problems
has some useful tips on two hardware problems that are currently of interest. One is a fix for the incompatibility between the ATI Radeon and VR128 cards (running in the same machine) and the other is an illustrated guide on how to mount a second harddrive in a B&W G3 (rev. 2) or G4. Both surely very important information for the people who need it.
Microsoft gets hacked again
the register
confirmed yesterday's rumors of yet another Microsoft hack. This time the hacker calls himself Dimitri and there is quite a long list of things he did or coudl have done. I guess Microsoft's networks first have to be totally deleted before they start thinking about improving their security.
Apple is good
the register
has some results from a survey asking about PC resellers. Apple, Dell and Dan are the best three, and Apple is in the tops in all tested cathegories. Of course the register had to question why some many iBook users would recommend their Mac to another user.
Yeah, why not spoil an article in the last sentence?