Gaming stuff

xlr8yourmac.com has posted a review of the Voodoo4 4500 PCI graphics card for the Mac (from a reader) and got an invitation to the Games Day at Capitol Mac in Richmond Virginia. Everybody else is invited too. Then there are some reports of lost performance with Voodoo cards and the new OpenGL 1.1.5 as well as other problems with the latest batch of Radeon drivers.

Netscape 6 out

Shugashack. notes that Netscape 6 is now available for PC, Mac and Linux. What I heard so far, it's a pretty bad piece of code-hack and mainly adds stupid online-shopping functionality, no new standards support etc. I'm not going to download it yet, I want some specific Mac feedback first.


the register notes that Viking -a famous high-quality RAM mnaufacturer - has shipped engineering samples of some of the first DDR-SDRAM modules available. 128 and 256MB modules so far. I post this since the availability of such modules will be the deciding factor for Apple to ship their first UMA-2 DDR supporting Macs.


MacWEEK has some first hints for who is going to be who and who is going to demonstrate what at Comdex starting on Monday. Comdex is one of the biggest PC expos in the world and has usually quite a few new products to show. Apple won't be there I hear, but a lot of others will, might be a good tip if you live in Texas.

MWSF rumors

MOSR has some nice rumors on possible MWSF announcements. These include the release of the Radeon MAXX graphics card (dual processors, twice the RAM, like the Rage Fury MAXX), the release of one or multiple models from nVidia (the GeForce 2 MX being the most reasonable guess) and last but not least the ProFormance IV from Formac. Another note says MWSF will only see an update on the public beta of Mac OS X, not the final version. Of course that doesn't interfere with what Apple said, but it interferes with what I was hoping.