Overclocking G4s etc
has some news from a reader who successfully got his G4/500 MP to run at 550Mhz (on both chips of course). Then there are some more problematic reader feedbacks as well as a positive note on Microtech's FireSCSI Xpress adapter. There is some other stuff as well, so you better have a look:)
Some Pentium 4 facts
the register
notes that the Pentium 4 actually isn't the Pentium 4 that was originally planned. Due to size growth, the chip had to be reduced by a few features, which reduced die size again, but also hit performance quite a bit. That may explain, why the P4 is lagging behind the Athlon in unoptimized apps, even at higher clockrates.
Rumor time
has some info and a funny mock-up of the currently rumored "CubePowerBook". I just hope it won't look like that:)
USB debate
talks about whether Apple needs to adopt USB 2.0 or not. The question is actually not whether it needs or not (which can be answered by every idiot), but whether it will or not. It's clear that in the peripheral area of harddrives and other fast media, FireWire will be the better option for quite a while still. But it is also clear that if Apple doesn't adopt USB 2.0 in time it's going to lose yet another bunch of possible customers. Apple needs to go with the masses (of the Wintel world), if it wants to keep up. (Well, not everywhere of course, but here quite certainly). Apple was lucky with USB 1.x that had been integrated into PC long before the Mac had it, but nobody made any devices for it. So the whole thing only just started with Apple's adoption. This is not going to be the same with USB 2.0.