Tech specs

xlr8yourmac.com provided a link to the newest techpub from Apple, detailing the new PowerMac G4. Michiro Isobe noted that the machines are based on the Core99 chipset, and not on the UMA-2 chipset, however, other info suggests that Core99 and UMA-2 are one and the same thing.
By the way, if you like to get some tech info on your Mac, check out Apple's techpub page detailing every Mac that was ever built. Gotta love that. Go here for more info.

PowerBook G4 indepth

MacNN has posted a very nice article telling you a lot about the new PowerBook G4, complete with pictures and really a lot of information. Very nice.


MOSR looks back at what was released at MWSF and then looks ahead again to see what is coming up, or put differently, what didn't make the cut this time and thus has to make it at a later point in time. As usual there are some errors here and there (for example the "half-speed" L3 cache, which is in fact a one third speed L3 cache...).

Intel still mad for speed

Slashdot has a link to an article discussing Intel's plans for the future. They seem to be very serious about getting 10GHz+ chips out ASAP. I wonder how their plans for small personal nuklear power-plants are. After all you don't want to just have that new machine sit in a corner.