Deus Ex and Sonnet G4 problems

xlr8yourmac notes that not only I did have some trouble with the Deus Ex multiplayer patch (installer not installing anything) and has a solution for problems with a Sonnet G4 500 ZIF CPU card. The Deus Ex updater also seems to work if it is applied on the 1.0 version.

Mac OS X launch parties

the register reports that Apple is going to host a Mac OS X launch party in the UK starting midnight of the 23th. There is going to be free stuff to be "won". Just hope people won't be dissapointed after installing the software back home.

Windows NT costs us millions

the register reports that the russion mafia has been exploiting a security flaw in unpatched Windows NT systems to steal credit card information from over 40 companies throughout the last year. The damages are up in the millions and the FBI now even gave out a warning to prevent further damage. Security is still an issue for both Microsoft and people involved with finances on the net.

Buy RAM now

the register notes that RAM prices are at another fantastic low at the moment, but may go up very soon again. For you that means: buy RAM now if you need.

Classic to be fast?

MacCentral notes that Mac OS X' Classic environment may actually turn out to be faster than the original OS 9.1, opposite to earlier reports who claimed that Classic would be very slow. Let's hope it really is fast.