
xlr8yourmac has various news about various topics. Among them performance of a G4/500 MP with a high-end SCSI RAID and other reviews and tips.

IBM makes deal with Sony

Shacknews notes that IBM and Sony have made a deal with IBM building a new fab to produce chips of yet unconfirmed use in about 2 years. It's expected that at least one stream of chips from IBM will flow into Sony already announced PlayStation 3 gaming console.
The new chip that Sony, IBM and Toshiba are developing is called Cell and is dubbed to be a "Supercomputer on a chip", as we know, the requirements for that title are not very high though.

New rumors

the register notes that some Windows site came up with a new and seemingly far fetched rumor about Apple developing an AMD based network PC. That means no harddisk, the machine would boot off the server (like NetBoot under Mac OS X). However, after reading all the details over at the register, you'll quickly agree that it doesn't sound like anything we're ever going to see.


MOSR has plenty of new stuff, among them rumors of a new LCD equipped Mac appliance for 499$, Apple home controlling tools and equipment and video footage of the construction site in Palo Alto. Funny stuff, but I'm not very confident in rumors anymore.

AvP update

IMG has news about the status of Alien versus Predator for Mac, a game that has been announced about 2.5 years ago I think (I feel) and that has been stuck and delayed for about 1.5 years of that time. Now there are some news, not very positive though.