Cache speeds
notes that teh L3 cache speed in the 677 and 733MHz G4 models seems to be 1/4 of the CPU speed and not 1/3 as reported by Apple earlier. Either there was a change or an error before or now. The more positive feedback comes from a reader who is successfully using a Wireless Ethernet PCi card in a Mac that officially doesn't support the product.
Quake 3 dying?
notes that CPL has changed the Quake 3 World championship trounaments with prices worth 150'000$ into a CounterStrike championship. Aparently (and obviously) Quake 3's popularity has decreased seriously during the past months. (I also haven't played it for months). If you ask me, it's no surprise either, the game style is the same as in Doom (not realistic at all), thus 7 years old or so and the fuss about the patches not working as people wanted them too didn't help either. I guess Q3 was just too much of Q2 to be fun for long. After all PC gamers had been playing Quake 2 for years before Quake 3 came out.
has put up another MousePad review for all those of you who do care about what they use their mouse on. Believe me, especially for first person shooters it does matter. However you don't really need a 50$ piece, just one that is ok for you.