
xlr8yourmac has a reader report of possible problems with XLR8's Dual MPe ZIF upgrade cards and has some reader reports and performance tests of the Mac SoundBlaster Live! soundcard.

Motorola shrinks - not the company for a change

the register reports that Motorola has inctroduced its new and already announced 0.13 micron process including SOI (silicon on insulator). The new technology touted HiP7 promises smaller and faster chips, which consume less power and thus generate less heat. Or then more transistors (and therefore funtions) on the same die size. The first PPC chip that has been announced to use the technology will be the Apollo G4, but so far that part is not shipping. (there are units sampling though)

More megahertz - mega hurts

the register notes that both AMD and Intel are going to push out their newest chips with even more MHz and even some new core technology, but nothing really revolutionary, just a bit more brawn.


the register notes that Linus Torvals, author of the original Linux OS, thinks that Mac OS X's kernel is a piece of crap and contains "every design mistake you can make". That said, the register joins the choir of the critics on the 1.0 release. Seriously, did anyone expect a perfect OS when Apple suddenly pushed it out so quickly? Mac OS X is not going to be what it's supposed to be until end of the year, I'm pretty sure. Think about Mac OS. It took years to get to 7.1 or 7.5, which were the first really complete versions.

Apple History site

This site linked at over at slashdot seems to have a little bit of history on every machine and rumors Apple ever pushed or leaked out. Quite amazing, check it out:)

Column on Dell

MacObserver has posted a very nice column in reaction to Dell's recent statements about Apple's future. A bit long, but worth the read.

nVidia fails to deliver

MGL notes that delays in GeForce 3 chip production have forced Apple to delay the release of the cards until late May. Other comments have already criticed nVidia for the delay, especially after their embarrasing document on the Kyro 2 had leaked.