A lot
has been posting news and feedback for the past 8 days and it's absolutely pointless trying to catch up to that. Thus I'll just say that Mac OS X 10.0.1 has been officially released and improved several things, as well as other software updates and hardware reviews.
Quake 3 to get another point release
notes that id is still working on a point release for Quake 3 Arena. This hopefully "final" point release is going to fix the bugs everybody was complaining about, but of course, it's not going to be released anytime soon. I just hope they get it out before Doom 3 is done.
IMG has the complete .plan update.
Lawsuits ep. 17634198
the register
notes that Apple's lawyers have sued some desktop skinning project group for infringement of Apple's intellectual property again. This time it's about the Platinum theme, not Aqua, for a change.
New iMac rumors
the register
(AppleInsider) have gotten seom new word about the next generation iMacs, which are expected to ship with wide screen TFT displays, 133MHz Bus, faster G3 chips and nVidia graphics. The new Macs are rumored to get released at MWNY in July, but that remains to be seen.
MHz myths killed
has been posting a series of 3 articles talking about why MHz isn't everything for computer performance. Surely a good read for all but the gurus out there.
Lacie to ship faster FW drives
reports that Lacie hasn't been sitting on its laurels and has developed a new line of FireWire drives sporting faster disks (ATA-100) and a new and faster bridge chip, allowing for 35MB/sec sustained and 45MB/sec peak transfer rates. That's only 5MB/s less than the current FireWire ports actually support, very nice.
has some news about IBMs efforts to develop system on chip PowerPC chips. That means CPU, memory controller, PCI controller etc all on one single chip, thus greatly reducing total system costs. MOSR sees a possible market for these chips in future Apple "Digital Hub" products.