
xlr8yourmac again has various news to report, among them some first impressions of nVidia's GeForce 2 Go chip, ans as always a lot of reader reports and feedback.

Mac OS X Server 2.0 next week

the register is summing up Mac rumors again and notes that the latest rumor includes Apple releasing Mac OS X Server 2.0 next week. Read on for more info.

2GHz in 2002, says IBM

MacCentral and MacObserver both note that IBM is ready to ship 1GHz PPC chips by the end of the year, with 2GHz units ready in late 2002. Early 2002 would have been better, but I'm not complaining.

Douglas Adams dead

MacCentral sadly reports that Douglas Adams, famous author of "A Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" and several other titles (also inventor of the Babel fish) has died of a heart attack in the early age of only 49 years. I'm very sorry to hear that, not only because his books very really entertaining, but also because he was an Apple Master.

Some just don't understand

Slashdot can constantly be found raving about Mac OS X, how unfinished it is and how Apple is doing all kinds of stuff wrong. Why can't they just see this as some sort of evolution into a finalized product. Mac OS X is still only interesting for early adopters and developers, thus what use is it to discuss it's user friendlyness and Apple's PR strategies? Why don't they just shut up and wait until it comes preinstalled on all Macs?

More rumors

MOSR thinks that Apple will bring us not only a new Mac OS X server, but also speed bumper machines with Dual 7450 chip configurations or even 1GHz chips. The later a bit later though.

More rumors

MacCentral has more news on Mac OS X security concerns. Let's hope Apple did a great job there and all the sorrow is actually not necessary. Mac OS's security was clearly one of it's strongest points. Let's hope it's going to be for Mac OS X too.