
xlr8yourmac has various news, among them feedback on the iPod, recovery tips for iTunes 2 wiped partitions (the first installer could wipe your HD...) and reports about a new 60GB notebook and 120GB desktop hardisk from IBM. Last but not least some guy built a Dual G4 into one of thoe large cube shaped PC cases, as seen in the Metaboxx or how that Mac was called long time ago (a clone it was).

Billy G on open source

the register has some sadly funny stuff to tell about what mister Bill Gates recently told when asked about why Microsoft wasn't digging into the open source movement. His response: "We invented it". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Newsfactor writes about Microsoft's plans to change the company's image and to reduce the "cutthroat culture" within the company. Now they're even copying the company image from Apple, or what? :)

AMD raodmap

the register has put up some roadmap for AMDs upcoming desktop CPUs until end of 2003. They aparently plan to ship out chips performing like 4.4GHz Pentium 4s by the end of 2003, but what the real MHz count will be is yet undecided, But I guess it's unlikely to be higher than Intel's or even Motorolas offerings.
the register also has put up and commented AMD's server roadmap, namely the lines of Sledgehammer and Clawhammer CPUs, which have been partially delayed again... surprised?

More thoughts on an Apple PDA

the register has some ideas on how Apple might implement PDAs into it's digital hub strategy in the future. Aparently they still can only think about those PDAs, so why not hope for it. I admit I have neither PDA nor a mobile phone, and I am well and healthy even without receiving an SMS every 30 seconds. So why bother? If Apple wants a PDA, they will let us know soon enough.

Gaming related

MG and IMG both have various news and trouble shooters concerning games and such. There's been a review of Halo for Xbox, issues with GeForce cards and UT X, new announcements etc. Check it out.

New rumors?

MOSR has new ideas about Apple possibly working on a DVD player/editor box, that'd combine Internet, DVD, MP3 and even some interactive TV stuff. Not sure what to make of this article, really. Looks like a misunderstanding to me...