ATI releases new products
reports that ATI has indeed released their new graphics cards. The Radeon 7000 Mac Edition is what we knew so far by the name of Radeon Mac Edition PCI, ie a great and powerful 2D, 3D and DVD graphics card for the PCI slot, for use as a second video card, or to upgrade older PowerMacs. The best is the recommended retail price of just 129$, which is great. I'm getting one.
Its bigger brother, the Radeon 8500 Mac Edition features the new "Radeon 2" (call it that if you like) core, with all the new features, similar to those of the GeForce 3 card from nVidia. At only 299$, it's also cheapter than a GeForce 3, yet offers comparable performance, at least on the PC.
Phil Schiller on the iMac
also spoke to Phil Schiller of Apple, discussing Apple's (Steve's) latest baby, the new iMac. Of course they laud it all over etc etc, but they somehow miss the point that is most important? How will people call this machine? The lamp Mac? The Luxo Mac? The iMac 2?
Various MWSF news and announcements
of course also has all the other news of the show, including a lot of new software releases, mostly OS X enabled versions of some key applications. Head over for more.
Virual PC updated
notes that Virtual PC has gotten updated to version 5.0.1, fixing a few bugs under OS X and other issues.
Other news concern problems with an ATI driver update released yesterday and an issue with SGI LCD displays.
Get a free GeForce card with your DSL
has teamed up with Speakeasy and nVidia to offer you SDSL, IDSL or RADSL (under the label ShackDSL) and a free GeForce 2 MX 400 or even a GeForce 3 Ti200 if you decide to subscribe to one of their services within the next 3 weeks. I know this is advertisement for another site, but I consider it a great deal, after all you get 2 great products at the price of one. Of course this is only interesting for people who live in the States and have a PC.
Register recap
the register
has a recap of yesterday's happenings, in case you missed it. (otherwise it's on the last update)
The news in games (oops, don't copy titles)
has news, and will have more news all around the Mac as a gaming platform.