
I've posted my micro wrap-up of MWSF 2002. This is more of a historical document for later generations, than really interesting news you don't know already.


xlr8yourmac has a lot of interesting tips: IBM harddrive troubles, including reader feedback on 75GXP drives and notes about the new 120GXP drives aparently facing similar problems (sidenote: my 75GXP is working like a dream).
Of course there are also some more details on the new Apple products and software updates. Just check it out.

Register MWSF feedback

the register has a little humorous wrap-up of their impressions of this years MWSF. An informative Rant&Rave, have a look.

More G5 evidence

Epson Sweden notes that their newest printer driver will work with G5 Macs, which is just another piece of evidence, that the G5 is coming indeed.
Architosh has several articles on the topic, see them here and here.

Doom for GBA reviewed

FiringSquad has reviewed Doom for the GameBoy Advance. See how this legendary title made it onto the most popular handheld gaming console today.

Gigawire explained?

OS opinion has a new theory on what Gigawire, a name Apple has registered a while ago, might really be. They think it's going to be wireless FireWire. Makes sense.

Bribe rejected

MacCentral reports that Microsofts "offer" to settle the lawsuits by "donating" several billion "worth" of software to schools was rejected by the responsible judge. That's a good thing, after all you don't want the accused to draw profits out of a lawsuit, you want him to receive a fair wanring or punishment. So for now, Apple's future in the edutcatio market is not doomed yet.

MWSF stuff, continued

MacCentral also still has a hell lot of MWSF related news, still mostly on stuff that was announced or released.

Gaming stuff

MG has some words from ATI about their new products. Also the Radeon Mac Edition PCI was reduced in price, a very welcome move.
They also interviewed nVidia for a few comments on the past and the future on the Mac.
IMG has posted their wrap-up of the show.

Gaming stuff

MG has some words from ATI about their new products. Also the Radeon Mac Edition PCI was reduced in price, a very welcome move.
They also interviewed nVidia for a few comments on the past and the future on the Mac.
IMG has posted their wrap-up of the show.