New PowerMacs tomorrow?
The rumors have shifted away from senseless speculation, to more reasonable guessing, and/or evidence even. New PowerMac G4 with 800, 933 and Dual 1GHz are expected to be released tomorrow. Other sources think it's going to be 933, 1133 and dual 1GHz. See for yourself, in the pages below.
Radeon 7000 feedback
has some reader feedback on the newly released Radeon 7000 PCI graphics card for Mac OS 9.2.2 and OS X...however it turned out it doesn't work with OS X at all, at least at the moment.
Linux faster on P4 2.2GHz than Win XP?
This and this link
from the register, have some interesting findings, that aparently, Linux is quite a bit faster on the new Northwood P4 2.2GHz, than Windows XP, despite all the "extra optimization" this OS claims to have.
Clawhammer benchmarks?
This Cecz page
has some impressive benchmarks of AMD's upcoming Clawhammer CPU (64bit), beating the crap out of everyother chip there is at the moment. Questions arise how legit those benchmarks are...a 3GHz P4 beating a 1.3GHz Power4? Seems a little too good to me.
Apple's secrecy guide to success?
has some interesting opinion on Apple's culture to keep everything as secret as possible...while some think it actually hurts them from time to time (being too tight-lipped), this guy thinks it's one of the keys to its success.
iMac for gamers?
has an interesting for all the Mac gamers out there, who have been thinking about getting a new machine to play with. They take a look at the new iMac from a gamer's point of view. See if they can convince you, but I'd wait for Wednesday before ordering:)
1GB keychain dongle
has news that a company called Wiebe Tech has released a tiny FireWire microstorage device for your keychain, that can hold up to 1GB of data. Very nice to move data from one place to another, but a bit pricey yet:)
HoV eventually coming to the Mac
notes that Rune: Halls of Valhalla will finally come to the Mac, after having been pushed from one dying publisher to another, it can now be published by Westlake themselves. IMG had the original article, but their site is down atm.