has several posts on various topics, mostly udpates and firmware fixes for Sonnet products, but also a note on John Carmack's latest plan update and other things.
States demand Windows source
the register
reports that the last US states that are still in court with Microsoft are now asking the judge to force MS to show them the source code of Windows, in order to check whether the desintegration of IE and other components is really not feasible.
Of course MS is not going to like it, especially because it's probably absolutely possible to remove these "vital components".
The key with a virus
the register
also reports that aparently there's a virus in some of IBM's 32MB memory keys. (those thingies that you can put on your keychain, and that plug into the USB port, and are likely going to replace floppy disks for small data transfers pretty soon). A utility has been released to remove the boot sector virus "WYX".
Apple posts loss, fires staff
the register
also has the latest financial news, noting that the Apple Store retail chains in the US are the main reason for the loss so far, and that their profitability is yet up in the air. It doesn't look too bad, but they're simply experiencing the consequences of high expenses and low sales(-profits).
Times are changing again
takes another look at the development of the major players in the industry, this time not for hardware, but for operating systems, that is Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Might be an interesting read.
QuickTime Live! coverage
has the complete coverage on teh QT Live! event from February 12. Apple has released QuickTime Streaming Server 4 and has announced QuickTime Broadcaster, a simple utility to deliver streaming media content as well as QuickTime 6.0, whihc is going to be introduced shortly, featuring full MPEG-4 support. Last but not least, Apple has also teamed up with Ericsson and Sun for a partnership in delivering contents wirelessly.
Slashdot notes why the release of QT 6 has been delayed. Once again a licensing/royalties tragedy.
CPU rumors
the register
has "exlcusive" news on the PPC roadmap rumors. According to their sources, a new Motorola roadmaps shows a new and improved G4 chip coming up for summer, the 7470 and it's low power brother the 7460 will feature a 0.13 micron manufacturing process, 512K of L2 cache and, for the 7470, support for up to 4MB of DDR-SDRAM L3 cache (I still think it's DDR-SRAM, but I may be wrong). The new chip also supports the new MPX+ bus, a DDR bus for an effective speed of 266MHz. Speeds are estimated to hit 1.5GHz in summer.
Early next year there should be a 7500 chip, still G4, actually, but featuring all the rumored specs of the G5, apart from the 64bit Book E architecture. But RapidIO etc should all be there.
As always with rumors, and especially from rumors at the register, there are a few things that raise questions, so take it with a spoon of salt.
has reader reports on on the future of Java on the Mac, as well as some interesting insight on the relationship between Apple and nVidia. As I already suspected, the early release of the GeForce 4 MX (3 MX) and GeForce 4 Ti weren't quite as planned as you might have thought. This story makes sense.
Game news
has the latest news and updates in Mac gaming.
Apple: no new hardware
apart from very annoyingly slow .php pages, also notes that Apple officially said there will be no new hardware (no new CPU's to be exact) until after MacWorld Tokyo. That comes as a surprise, as everyone was thinking of a PowerBook speedbump for MWTY. Aparently Apple prefers to rest on its laurels for a few more million dollars.