Catching up
I'll post all the links I collected during the last 7 weeks, while I've not been posting, but still reading the news.
I don't like that kind of newsposting, but it's better than not mentioning it at all.
IBM has announced their new 64bit PPC-970 chip, which is expected to be used by Apple in future machines.
the register also had news on the matter. this story is similar, too.
the register also had a story on some fake switching ad by Microsoft, which got pulled off their site quickly.
MacCentral discussed the idea of Apple adopting the PPC-970 chip as a replacement for the aging G4.
CNN didn't bother discussing the idea, they were sure enough to claim it was so.
MacCentral later posted more details on the development.
Wired had news about the film "iBrotha", aparently depicting the mac community.
heise.de has the news of the 970 in German.
Ars Technica has by far the most interesting story on the 970, discussing some technical stuff, and expected performance. Written by hannibal. The first link is just the news, while this link goes to the first page of the technical article. I highly recommend this.
xbitlabs figured out how to overclock a Radeon 9000 Pro.
hardcoreware tells us how they built a silent PC.
AppleInsider's forum members think that the 7457 chip (the upcoming G4 revision), is going to go as fast as 1833MHz.
the register noted more speculation on Apple's future chip roadmap.
Architosh were the ones to stirr up the rumors.
the register notes that IBM has already demonstrated BladeCenter servers using the PPC-970.
This Site has a list of a lot of handy downloads for Mac OS X.
SD Medagroup compared Xserve using OS X Server and some Blade server using linux, I think. the page needs registering, that's why I didn't look at it again.
iGeek also has some technical insight on the PPC-970.
DVediting has another biased and pointless (not to say worthless) mac vs. PC comparison.
Geek.com has a story on the upcoming R350 and R400 graphics cards from ATI, which are expected in early Spring and Summer respectively.
Last but not least nVidia has announced their GeForce FX card (formerly talked about as GeForce 5), which is expected to ship sometime in Spring.
New 3ivx codec
is now new at version 4.0PR2 and offers broader support and higher quality than it's predecessor. These guys rock.
News from AGDC
has some news from the Australian Game Developers Conference, where the GeForce FX was shown, plus a few news on Sony PS2 online plans etc. BTW Xbox LIVE! has gone online sometime ago too.
has some interesting and less interesting rumors on future version of Quicktime and iChat, as well as on the chip that's being used in the new 1GHz TiBooks.
Final word
Back in black. But I don't know for how long.
The industry is bad, the news are generally lame and I'm a busy man, so it all ends up in less posts.
Tip of the month
Run Software update to get the latest updaters for your Mac OS X. There's a SoundManager fix for Carbon and the 10.2.2 update of course.